

healthy food

Unfortunately, many people suffer from digestive problems such as bloating, muscle cramps, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation for various reasons.   Certain conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, and heartburn can expose you to severe digestive risks.   However, a healthy person can also experience digestive […]


papaya Papaya – digestive food The delicious tropical fruit of papaya contains an enzyme called papain that aids in digestion.   This substance helps the digestion process by helping to break down protein fibers. Although it does not need to be included in the diet, it can help with protein digestion.   Papain can also […]


Is the alkaline diet dangerous? According to verywellfit, the disadvantages of the alkaline diet are as follows:   Calcium deficiency and dairy products Dairy products contain a number of essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which are difficult to replace in a dairy-free diet. In fact, scientists have found that after eliminating […]


Are there really foods that increase libido? There is no scientific evidence to prove this claim, but many people believe that eating certain foods enhances their sexual instinct. Improving sex, whether it’s due to sex or the chemicals in these foods, there’s no harm in trying them before you start flirting and having sex. In […]


What should we eat with green tea so that its properties work better? In order for the properties of green tea to work better and increase its healing properties, you can mix it with lemon, honey, mint, peppermint, lemon, saffron, ginger, lavender, rosemary, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme, and zofia. And make cardamom. In the following, we […]


Nowadays, the difference between a good lifestyle, along with proper nutrition, and a normal or unhealthy lifestyle is quite obvious, and the difference in different types of lifestyles can be easily observed. Even if you are one of those people who do not exercise, having a proper diet can lead you to relative fitness. If […]


Today, fitness and beauty have gained more fans. In addition to beauty, fitness helps to maintain the health of the body. Currently, the number of people who are obese and overweight is much higher than in the past. If the body mass index is more than 30, the person is overweight and it is better […]


Increase vitamin absorption and prevent magnesium deficiency An increase in magnesium is required for the proper functioning of the enzyme system and body processes. Many people are deficient in magnesium and as a result suffer from heart problems, muscle pains, headaches, sleep problems and anxiety.   Magnesium is also needed to activate vitamin D and […]


How the alkaline diet works for weight loss The alkaline diet classifies foods based on the amount of acid they produce when digested. This amount is not necessarily the same as the acidity level of foods in their raw state. Research has shown that acidic foods produce a pH of less than 7, while alkaline […]


The alkaline diet emphasizes eliminating acidic foods such as meat, eggs, and dairy products and eating alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables. This diet has many benefits for the body, such as weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of heart attack, etc. What is an alkaline diet? What you read […]