
Fat-Loss Dieting – Women’s Fat Loss Must Be Secure And Sensible

October 31, 2022 , Date Fruits, healthy food

Unfortunately, many people suffer from digestive problems such as bloating, muscle cramps, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation for various reasons.


Certain conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, and heartburn can expose you to severe digestive risks.


However, a healthy person can also experience digestive problems due to things like lack of fiber or foods rich in probiotics in the diet.


Here are 19 great foods to improve digestion.


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  1. yogurt

Yogurt – digestive food

Yogurt is usually made by fermentation of milk lactic acid bacteria.


This substance contains beneficial bacteria called probiotics. These good bacteria live in the digestive tract and can help digest food and keep the gut healthy.


Probiotics are naturally made in the gut, but increasing their absorption through foods like yogurt can also make digestion easier.


Probiotics can help with digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea, and have also been shown to improve the digestion of lactose, or milk sugar.


However, not all yogurts contain probiotics. When buying, be sure to look for “live and active cultivation” on the package.



Yogurt contains probiotics that can help digestion by strengthening healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.


  1. Apple

Apple is a rich source of pectin and soluble fiber.


Pectin passes through the small intestine and is then broken down by beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.


This substance increases the volume of stool, which is why it is usually used to relieve constipation and diarrhea.


It has also been shown to reduce the risk of intestinal infections and inflammation.



The pectin in apples helps to increase the volume of stool and its movement in the digestive system. It is also likely to reduce colon inflammation.


  1. fennel

Fennel – digestive food

Fennel is a herb with a pale bulb and long green stems that is used to add flavor to food.


Its fiber content helps prevent constipation and improves the regular activity of the digestive system.


Fennel also contains an antispasmodic substance that relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.


This practice can also reduce negative digestive symptoms such as wind, stomach bloating and muscle cramps.



The fiber content and antispasmodic properties of fennel can improve digestion by limiting some of the negative symptoms of the digestive system.


  1. kaffir

Kefir – digestive food

Kefir is a dairy product made by adding kefir grains to milk. This cereal is made by mixing yeast and bacteria with milk and seems to have digestive benefits.


Processed kefir, like the probiotics in yogurt, help digest lactose and reduce some of the negative side effects associated with lactose.


According to numerous studies, kefir increases healthy bacteria that improve the condition of the intestines and reduces harmful bacteria.


Consumption of kefir also reduces intestinal inflammation and improves the digestive process.



It seems that the unique substance called kefir, which is made from yeast and bacteria, will improve digestion and reduce intestinal inflammation.


  1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds – digestive food

Chia seeds are a very good source of fiber and their consumption creates a gelatin-like substance in the stomach. These seeds, like probiotics, support the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria and help with healthy digestion.


Also, the fiber content of chia seeds helps promote regular bowel patterns and healthy stools.



The fiber in chia seeds can help maintain a regular digestive pattern by promoting the growth of probiotics in the gut.


  1. Kamboja

Kombucha – digestive food

Kombucha is a type of fermented tea.


It is made by adding special types of bacteria, sugar, and yeast to black or green tea and then fermenting it for a week or more.


During the fermentation process, a globule is produced from probiotic bacteria that can improve digestive health.


Also, some research on mice has shown that kombucha can play a role in healing stomach ulcers.



The high amount of kombucha probiotics improves digestion and intestinal health. Kombucha drink can also help heal stomach ulcers.