The Comeback Of The Healthy Lunch

What should be done to get fit?
Fitness is one of the most important issues that people should pay special attention to, and their lifestyle should be such that they take this issue into consideration every moment. One of the ways to be fit is to have regular exercise in people’s daily schedule. Along with proper physical activity, one should try to follow a correct and principled diet plan. However, we should not forget that fats are harder to lose with age, because after the age of 25, for every 10 years, the rate of metabolism decreases by about 5%. Therefore, we should take care of our weight and physical health in every period of our life.
Tips to get fit:
Food should not be excluded from the food plan, but all foods should be consumed in moderation and with fewer calories. Also, you don’t need to skip any meals to get fit. For example, people who skip dinner or breakfast in hopes of losing weight or getting fit are seriously wrong; Because these people can eat all meals but with fewer calories!
Complications faced by obese people:
Obesity increases the probability of developing blood pressure up to seven times, diabetes up to 12 times, cancer up to 5 and 6 times, and all cardiovascular diseases have a direct relationship with obesity.
30 nutritional recommendations to maintain fitness
- Try a new fruit today. Fresh or dried fruit doesn’t matter (but don’t add sugar). Many obese people do not want to eat fruit, or there is no place for fruit in their daily food basket.
2.. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of pure water daily. Keep a water bottle handy so that you can refill it after it is empty and rinse it well at the end of the day. Many times you get confused between hunger and thirst, and if water is available to you, you avoid eating extra food.
Drinking water and fitness
- Consume at least one cup of non-starchy vegetables with dark green leaves. (for example, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce)
the vegetables
- Use salad before main meals.
- Have at least 2 healthy snacks daily including at least two food groups. For example, an apple with a glass of low-fat milk or half a cup of low-fat yogurt with half a cup of raspberries
- Drink at least 1 or 2 cups of skim or 1% fat milk. You can use milk alone or with cereal or in coffee or while cooking.
- Plan a snack for yourself that has a maximum of 100 calories. (2 small biscuits or 4 small pieces of chocolate) Do not overdo using these foods, maximum 2-3 times a week.
- Leave a few spoonfuls of your food on the plate at each meal. Or count the number of spoons you use before starting to eat.
- Consume all drinks containing calories only in a 240 ml glass, that is at most once a week.
- Use nuts (preferably raw and without salt) as a snack. Of course, you should know that although the fat in nuts is a useful type of fat, it has a lot of energy and you should not use these foods more than once a week. .
- If the food is not tasty or not worth consuming calories, don’t taste it without reason because it contains energy anyway.
- Eat breakfast no later than 1 hour after waking up. This breakfast can include a cup of low-fat milk with a type of whole grain such as corn flakes or whole grain bread.
- Eat only while you are sitting at the dining table or on the side of the table. Avoid eating food while preparing it, especially in the kitchen and while collecting food.
You are touching your nails
- Do not use your children’s extra food or share food with them.
- Using non-starchy vegetables, make a colorful salad for yourself (about 2 cups)
- Be sure to eat fish once or twice a week. Use a healthy method for cooking. Do not use breadcrumbs and do not fry it
- Eat whole grains every time you eat, including a slice of whole wheat bread such as Sangk bread.
- Don’t eat too much meat, especially red meat. Try other protein-rich foods such as beans or foods made from soy or low-fat dairy and whole grains.
- Try a new vegetable today. Preferably, choose a vegetable with a bright color (light green, yellow or orange) variety in vegetables and fruits will increase your appetite and interest in healthy food.
- Instead of going to a restaurant to eat, get the necessary ingredients today and prepare your food at home. This does not mean not enjoying restaurant food, but it means not frequently using ready-made food, especially fast food.
- Eat a bowl of soup. A soup that is vegetable-based and watery and preferably has less than 400-500 mg of sodium.
- To increase your fiber intake, use whole fruit instead of juice (like an orange, apple, a cup of berries or pineapple).
- Instead of flavored yogurt, use low-fat or fat-free plain yogurt with half a cup of strawberries or 1-2 tablespoons of seeds or fruit leaves or half a cup of sugar-free applesauce.